
Sana Na N'Hada

Sana Na N'Hada


In the 1950s, at the Franciscan primary school for "indigenous" pupils, Sana Na N'Hada met teachers active in the National Liberation Movement. In the 1960s, he joined the guerrillas. Amílcar Cabral sent him in 1967 to Cuba to study film at the Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos. On his return to Guinea-Bissau, he filmed the war of independence and set up an archive with other filmmakers. In 1978, Na N'Hada became the first director of the National Film Institute, which he ran until 1989. His films deal with the memory of the fight for independence and also take a critical look at independence and the destruction of traditional societies in Guinea-Bissau.


NOME (2023): Direction

XIME (1994): Direction