Sami Omar
Sami Omar
Sami Omar
Writer Sami Omar was born the son of Eritrean parents in Sudan in 1978 and from 1980 grew up in the southern German city of Ulm. His first literary work was published in 2001. Since then, he’s written short stories, poetry and song lyrics. Sami Omar is a speech therapist, does readings and performs in radio plays. Since 2005, he’s also been performing his full-length stage show. 2008 saw the publication of his first volume of texts, “Ich bin kein Luftballon”. In 2012, he reached the final of the Freiburg Theatre’s competition for new drama texts. He
recently appeared with Anke Engelke and Thomas Brückner at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne.
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