Anis Djaad
"Anis Djaad"
Anis Djaad
Anis Djaad was born in Algiers on 29th April 1974. Initially working as a journalist, he started gaining experience in the medium of film as assistant to Djamel Beloued during the production of FRANÇA YA FRANÇA. In 2003, his script for
L‘ODEUR DU VIOLON was selected as part of an Algerian Year of Culture in France. His first novel, Matin Parisiens, was published by ‚Le Manuscrit‘ in 2009. With his script for AU BOUT DU TUNNEL, he took part in a writing workshop in Marrakech, and he entered three of his texts, H3O, LES ASSOIFFES and LE HUBLOT , into a script competition hosted by the association ‚A nous les écrans‘. With LE HUBLOT, he also won the award for best short film script at the ‚Journées cinématographiques d’Alger‘ in 2011. Shot in 2012, the short feature LE HUBLOT, now also showing in Cologne, won him several awards at international festivals, including most recently the Jury Price at the Montreal ‚Vues d’Afrique‘ festival.
LE VOYAGE DE KELTOUM (2016): Screenplay, Direction
Passage à niveau (2014): Direction
Le Hublot (2012): Direction