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Name: Hawi

Country: Ägypten/Katar

Year of publication: 2011

Format: 35mm

Color: color

Language : OF m. dt. UT

Duration: 112 Minuten

Direction: El Batout, Ibrahim

Screenplay: El Batout, Ibrahim

Camera: El Ghonemy, Ahmed; El Hadidi, Mohamed; Nabil, Mina

Editing: Mo'ataz, Perry

Sound: Massoud, Ayman; El Kashef, Alaa

Actor: Youssef, Hanan; El Sherif, Dessouki; El Sayed, Mohamed; Iskandar, Fady; Aref, Rina


The sense of hope in Egypt right before the insurrection is alreday reflected in the structure of this film. Without having a scripted story and acted by non professional actors, the director Ibrahim El Batout creates this mosaic of Alexandria. A political prisoner is released and a TV talkmaster is looking for someone to talk to in his show. A confused farmer accompanied by his ill horse walks through the streets and musicians are writing a political song. All of them are looking for something and their lifes are connected somehow, but they’ll never meet.

Ibrahim El Batout already won international acknowledgement with his fiction film Ein Shams (2008).
With his latest film he is one of the first realising an independent production without being dominated by the commercial Egyptian cinema.