Movie-Database: Movies
15. Afrika Film Festival - Eröffnung / Opening / Ouverture

Name: 15. Afrika Film Festival - Eröffnung / Opening / Ouverture
Guest: Michael, Theodor Wonja; Demmer, Joakim; Ashine, Argaw; Weira, Amina; Amoussou, Sylvestre; Mbuthuma, Nonhle; Dia, Elhadji Demba; Ouma, Steven (Band); Hurst, Miguel
Films, international guests and live music
The anniversary festival will be opened by Theodor Wonja Michael, who assumes patronage duties this year. He has been a guest at the festival on many occasions due to his appearances in films about Black Germans. Two years ago, he attended to present his biography DEUTSCH SEIN UND SCHWARZ DAZU (BEING GERMAN, AND BLACK TO BOOT).
The international guests whose films will be shown at the festival and who will be in attendance at the opening include Abbas Yassin and Maissara Saeed (Hannover/Sudan), Amina Weira (Niger), Argaw Ashine (Ethiopia), Berni Goldblat (Burkina Faso), Hassam Ghancy (France), Joakim Demmer (Berlin), Licínio Azevedo (Mosambique), Miguel Hurst (Angola), Nonhle Mbuthuma (South Africa) and Sylvestre Amoussou (Benin).
The films that will be screened at the opening event are from Burkina Faso and Senegal, one of which was made in 1992, the year in which Afrika Film Festival Köln was founded, while the other tells the tale of two passionate cinema-goers.
The musical accompaniment will be provided by the Cologne-based Steven Ouma Band, who also wowed the festival audience with their funky Kenyan-Cologne rhythms at their show here three years ago.
Regie: Fanta Regina Nacro; Burkina Faso 1992; OF m. engl. UT; DVD; 15 min.
Regie: Mamadou Dia; Senegal 2016; OF. m. engl. UT; digital; 12 min.
UN CERTAIN MATIN (SOME MORNING) is a short film from Burkina Faso that was made in the same year as the very first Afrika Film Festival Köln. The film launched the career of director Fanta Régina Nacro, who went on to gain international recognition and who attended the festival in Cologne on multiple occasions during the 1990s. Her debut is a humorous cinematic gem and it tells the story of a basket weaver who sees three bad omens on the way to his field. And there is indeed a strange surprise in store for him that very same morning...
SAMEDI CINEMA is a melancholy plea to halt the rampant decline of cinemas in many (West) African countries. The film features two Senegalese youngsters who dream of one day being able to watch a film in their local cinema before the final curtain comes down. But they can’t afford the ticket...