Movie-Database: Movies

Keïta! l´heritage du griot



Name: Keïta! l´heritage du griot

Country: Burkina Faso

Year of publication: 1995

Format: DVD; Digi-Beta

Color: color

Language : OF m. engl. UT

Duration: 94 Minuten

Direction: Kouyaté, Dani

Screenplay: Kouyaté, Dani

Camera: Millié, Robert

Editing: Durouchoux, Zoé

Sound: Mertens, Pierre

Actor: Boro, Seydou; Kouyaté, Adama; Kouyaté, Sotigui


The film tells the story of Djeliba Kouyate, an old griot who charged in the twilight of his life to recount to young Mabo Keita the origin of his name, a name that carries an epic saga of the founder of the Madingo Empire. Starring his father (Sotigui Kouyaté), Dani Kouyaté links the present with the 13th century by telling the story of Mabo and his ancestor, Soundjata. Even the creation of the world started in Mabos home town: Ouagadougou. In his first feature film, Dani Kouyaté mourns the passing of the authentic griot, the former African custodian of cultural wisdom and information.