Movie-Database: Movies

Country: Madagaskar; Frankreich
Year of publication: 2019
Format: digital
Color: color
Language : OF madagas. m. engl. UT
Duration: 70 Minuten
Direction: Andrianaly, Michaël
Guest: Andrianaly, Michaël
When his hairdressing salon is destroyed by the local authorities, hairdresser Romeo has to search for new premises. He finds a ramshackle hut as a makeshift alternative where he can continue to ply his trade for the time being. While he dreams of one day owning a hairdressing salon, his life drags on tediously and he grows tired of waiting for things to change for the better. NOFINOFY follows Romeo in his daily life, as he and others discuss the news, their fears and their hopes for Madagascar, a country that is riddled with corruption and poverty. “Film by film,” says director Michaël Andrianaly, “my work is becoming my way of taking a stand. It’s my way of showing résistance.” (see: