Movie-Database: Movies

Les Oubliées


Name: Les Oubliées

Country: Togo

Year of publication: 1997

Format: Beta SP Video

Color: color

Language : OF m. engl. UT

Duration: 52 Minuten

Direction: Folly, Anne-Laure

Screenplay: Folly, Anne-Laure

Camera: Girardo, Arlette

Editing: Blanchard, Ondine


The film is a documentary about Angola. It tells of the heavy cost of war to women. After ten years of struggle for independence, the war in Angola had continued for another twenty years. The film expores the motives of the combatants, which were linked to the cold war, Cuban intervention and the racist South African regime. In this film, Folly lets women tell their own stories. She shows the women from mid- or close-range, forcing the viewer to focus on their faces rather than their bodies or surroundings, and takes the time to let them say what they have to say, giving a unique women`s perspective of the conflict. Folly participates in the film through her voice-over, giving a subjective element. She admits that she is not familiar with Angola, and certainly is not an authority. The film thus becomes a record of Folly`s own journey of discovery. (Wikipedia)