Movie-Database: Movies
Afrika 2016: cool, kreativ und visionär

Name: Afrika 2016: cool, kreativ und visionär
Guest: Goitom, Teddy; Donkor, Esther; Abeke, Eli
Reading, film and music
Regie: Stocktown Collective/Teddy Goitom; Schweden 2015; OF m. dt. UT; digital; 28 min.
Live-Music: Ó - The Banzoi Syndicate
All working together towards a change in perception: filmmaker Teddy Goitom, who wants to initiate a “future forum for African creative minds all over the world” with his AFRIPEDIA project; Eli Abeke from the Deutsch-Afrikanisches Zentrum, who will explain how the idea for the exhibition about “other” images of Africa came about; and the blogger, filmmaker and writer Esther Donkor, who will present her book Wurzelbehandlung – Deutschland, Ghana und ich (“Root Treatment – Germany, Ghana and I”), an autobiographical report on her first trip to her father’s West African homeland and her search for her own identity. With her “rough hair and dark skin”, people in Germany would talk to her about her “otherness” and “an African culture” that she had “pretty much no connection to”. On a visit to Ghana, discrepancies between her expectations and the reality were quickly exposed and made her take a critical look at the “privileged way of life in Germany”.
The perfect accompanying “Afropean” music is provided by Ó - The Banzoi Syndicate around Leipzig-based flautist, jazz musician and composer Vincent Bababoutilabo, whose songs feature the poems of Afro-German poet May Ayim, among others, and who is involved in the work of Initiative Schwarzer Deutscher (“Initiative of Black Germans”).